Traffic Signal Design:

The Wiley staff is thoroughly familiar with computerized traffic signal control system technology. We have maintained a current knowledge of various traffic signal controllers such as NEMA controllers and microprocessor controllers (170/179/2070). Our in-house traffic signal controller test station allows our engineers to test controllers, associate traffic signal equipment, and verify signal timing and operation. The staff is also familiar with the industry wide effort to standardize interfaces between the various traffic control hardware devices as well as the software. We understand the requirements and operation of a traffic controller whether it is to be used as an isolated controller, or whether it will be tied into an integrated and coordinated system.

Wiley’s traffic expertise, combined with our experience with Intelligent Transportation systems (ITS), is the foundation for the development of our traffic signal system designs. Wiley strives to design systems with “open architecture” which will allow various types of traffic signal equipment and controllers to interface.

Wiley Engineering offers Traffic Signal planning, design, and implementation services that include:

  • Traffic signal interconnect (wired and wireless)
  • Traffic signal and intersection design
  • Traffic signal phasing and timing
  • Programming and Testing Controllers
  • Optimization of Corridor Progressions

Wiley is versed in the use of computer software programs to assist in traffic analysis. These programs include Highway Capacity Software (HCS), Synchro, FRESIM, NETSIM, Bi-Trans and Passer II-02.

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